Results for 'Fabio L. Stern'

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  1.  30
    Espiritualidade e saúde: polissemia, fragilidades e riscos do conceito.Ana Luísa Prosperi Leite, Fabio L. Stern & Silas Guerriero - 2021 - Horizonte:1015.
    O artigo objetiva compreender como o termo “espiritualidade” tem sido utilizado na área da saúde, discutindo os problemas decorrentes e as possíveis adversidades de sua polissemia. Para tanto, dividimos o estudo em três partes. Na primeira, apresentamos as diferentes definições de “espiritualidade” nas ciências humanas, sua relação histórica com a teologia cristã, e recente ressignificação pela Nova Era. Na sequência, demonstramos como a maior parte das produções sobre a temática na área da saúde adota uma concepção reificada e essencializada de (...)
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    Evidence of Exponential Speed-Up in the Solution of Hard Optimization Problems.Fabio L. Traversa, Pietro Cicotti, Forrest Sheldon & Massimiliano Di Ventra - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
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  3. Intentional Sampling by Goal Optimization with Decoupling by Stochastic Perturbation.Julio Michael Stern, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto, Fabio Nakano & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2012 - AIP Conference Proceedings 1490:189-201.
    Intentional sampling methods are non-probabilistic procedures that select a group of individuals for a sample with the purpose of meeting specific prescribed criteria. Intentional sampling methods are intended for exploratory research or pilot studies where tight budget constraints preclude the use of traditional randomized representative sampling. The possibility of subsequently generalize statistically from such deterministic samples to the general population has been the issue of long standing arguments and debates. Nevertheless, the intentional sampling techniques developed in this paper explore pragmatic (...)
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    New perspectives on nationalism and war.John L. Comaroff & Paul C. Stern - 1994 - Theory and Society 23 (1):35-45.
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    Stability and adaptation of some measures of electrodermal activity in children.Norman L. Corah & John A. Stern - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (1):80.
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    A comparison of forgetting rates in frequency discrimination and recognition.Douglas L. Hintzman & Leonard D. Stern - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (5):409-412.
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    Spacing, mirror-image repetition, and memory for pictures.Douglas L. Hintzman & Leonard D. Stern - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (4):321-324.
  8. A Straightforward Multiallelic Significance Test for the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Law.Julio Michael Stern, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto, Fabio Nakano, Silvio Rodrigues Faria & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2009 - Genetics and Molecular Biology 32 (3):619-625.
    Much forensic inference based upon DNA evidence is made assuming Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) for the genetic loci being used. Several statistical tests to detect and measure deviation from HWE have been devised, and their limitations become more obvious when testing for deviation within multiallelic DNA loci. The most popular methods-Chi-square and Likelihood-ratio tests-are based on asymptotic results and cannot guarantee a good performance in the presence of low frequency genotypes. Since the parameter space dimension increases at a quadratic rate on (...)
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  9. Hierarchical Forecasting with Polynomial Nets.Julio Michael Stern, Fabio Nakano, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2009 - Studies in Computational Intelligence 199:305-315.
    This article presents a two level hierarchical forecasting model developed in a consulting project for a Brazilian magazine publishing company. The first level uses a VARMA model and considers econometric variables. The second level takes into account qualitative aspects of each publication issue, and is based on polynomial networks generated by Genetic Programming (GP).
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  10. TORC3: Token-Ring Clearing Heuristic for Currency Circulation.Julio Michael Stern, Carlos Humes, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto, Fabio Nakano, Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira & Guilherme Frederico Gazineu Rafare - 2012 - AIP Conference Proceedings 1490:179-188.
    Clearing algorithms are at the core of modern payment systems, facilitating the settling of multilateral credit messages with (near) minimum transfers of currency. Traditional clearing procedures use batch processing based on MILP - mixed-integer linear programming algorithms. The MILP approach demands intensive computational resources; moreover, it is also vulnerable to operational risks generated by possible defaults during the inter-batch period. This paper presents TORC3 - the Token-Ring Clearing Algorithm for Currency Circulation. In contrast to the MILP approach, TORC3 is a (...)
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  11. Real Attribute Learning Algorithm.Julio Michael Stern, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto, Fabio Nakano & Celma de Oliveira Ribeiro - 1998 - ISAS-SCI’98 2:315-321.
    This paper presents REAL, a Real-Valued Attribute Classification Tree Learning Algorithm. Several of the algorithm's unique features are explained by úe users' demands for a decision support tool to be used for evaluating financial operations strategies. Compared to competing algorithms, in our applications, REAL presents maj or advantages : (1) The REAL classification trees usually have smaller error rates. (2) A single conviction (or trust) measure at each leaf is more convenient than the traditional (probability, confidence-level) pair. (3) No need (...)
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  12. Genuine Bayesian Multiallelic Significance Test for the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Law.Julio Michael Stern, Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira, Fabio Nakano & Martin Ritter Whittle - 2006 - Genetics and Molecular Research 5 (4):619-631.
    Statistical tests that detect and measure deviation from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) have been devised but are limited when testing for deviation at multiallelic DNA loci is attempted. Here we present the full Bayesian significance test (FBST) for the HWE. This test depends neither on asymptotic results nor on the number of possible alleles for the particular locus being evaluated. The FBST is based on the computation of an evidence index in favor of the HWE hypothesis. A great deal of (...)
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  13.  22
    Naturologia e espiritualidade: indícios dos valores do movimento da Nova Era entre naturólogos formados no Brasil.Fábio Leandro Stern - 2016 - Horizonte 14 (42):668-669.
    A presente dissertação objetivou investigar as relações entre a Naturologia no Brasil e o movimento da Nova Era, partindo da hipótese levantada por Teixeira de que o surgimento da Naturologia no Brasil estaria relacionado à chegada da Nova Era ao país. Para tanto, foram aplicados 292 questionários em naturólogos formados nas duas universidades brasileiras com cursos de Naturologia reconhecidos pelo MEC. Para aferir o grau de adesão ao movimento da Nova Era, uma escala do tipo Likert foi aplicada, com 25 (...)
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    Fibroblast growth factor signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans.Christina Z. Borland, Jennifer L. Schutzman & Michael J. Stern - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (12):1120-1130.
    Growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), such as the fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR), play a major role in how cells communicate with their environment. FGFR signaling is crucial for normal development, and its misregulation in humans has been linked to developmental abnormalities and cancer. The precise molecular mechanisms by which FGFRs transduce extracellular signals to effect specific biologic responses is an area of intense research. Genetic analyses in model organisms have played a central role in our evolving understanding of (...)
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  15. A cost analysis of staged and simultaneous bilateral carpal tunnel release.John C. Elfar, Mohab B. Foad, Susan L. Foad & Peter J. Stern - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman, The Hand. MIT Press.
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    Forum on Martin Puchner, "The drama of ideas".C. Rozzoni, M. Puchner, D. Kornhaber, L. Cull, T. Stern & M. Harries - 2013 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 3:110-153.
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    Multi-Sensor Wearable Health Device Framework for Real-Time Monitoring of Elderly Patients Using a Mobile Application and High-Resolution Parameter Estimation.Gabriel P. M. Pinheiro, Ricardo K. Miranda, Bruno J. G. Praciano, Giovanni A. Santos, Fábio L. L. Mendonça, Elnaz Javidi, João Paulo Javidi da Costa & Rafael T. de Sousa - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Automatized scalable healthcare support solutions allow real-time 24/7 health monitoring of patients, prioritizing medical treatment according to health conditions, reducing medical appointments in clinics and hospitals, and enabling easy exchange of information among healthcare professionals. With recent health safety guidelines due to the COVID-19 pandemic, protecting the elderly has become imperative. However, state-of-the-art health wearable device platforms present limitations in hardware, parameter estimation algorithms, and software architecture. This paper proposes a complete framework for health systems composed of multi-sensor wearable health (...)
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  18.  32
    Stern, M. L., Dr., Monistische Ethik.Viktor Stern - 1911 - Kant Studien 16 (1-3).
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    Bjørn Rabjerg, Robert Stern: On Knud E. Løgstrup’s “Humanism and Christianity”.Robert Stern & Bjørn Rabjerg - 2019 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 26 (1):97-107.
    Dieser Beitrag bietet eine umfassende Diskussion des Textes “Humanismus und Christentum” (1950) des dänischen Philosophen und Theologen Knud E. Løgstrup. Er verortet den Text in seinem geistesgeschichtlichen Kontext und analysiert seine wichtigsten Argumente wie auch seine zentrale These, der zufolge Humanismus und Christentum einen entscheidenden Grundsatz teilen, insofern beide die Ethik als “stumm“ oder “unausgesprochen“ verstehen. Darüber hinaus wird dargelegt, wie Løgstrups Text zentrale Überlegungen in dessen späteren Publikationen, besonders in dem Hauptwerk Die ethische Forderung (1956), vorwegnimmt.
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  20. (1 other version)Psychische Prasenzzeit.L. W. Stern - 1897 - Philosophical Review 6:668.
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  21.  21
    Kierkegaard's and Heidegger's Analysis of Existence and its Relation to Proclamation.K. E. Løgstrup & Robert Stern - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    In Kierkegaard's and Heidegger's Analysis of Existence and its Relation to Proclamation (1950), Logstrup offers an original critique of these key thinkers. Arguing against their idea that 'life in the crowd' threatens individuality, he proposes an ethic beyond social rules: a requirement to care for a person whose life is placed in your hands.
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  22. Mental presence-time.L. William Stern - 2005 - In The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy Volume 5, 2005, Burt Hopkins and Steven Crowell (Eds). Seattle: Noesis Press.
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    Effects of semantic cues in dichoptic presentation.Sandra Lema-Stern & Richard L. Gottwald - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (4):215-218.
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    The Category and the Office of Proclamation, with Particular Reference to Luther and Kierkegaard.K. E. Løgstrup, Christopher Bennett & Robert Stern - 2019 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 40 (1):183-209.
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  25. Beitraege zur Psychologie der Aussage, 1. Heft.L. William Stern - 1904 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 57:100-100.
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  26. Die Analogie im volkstümlichen Denken.L. William Stern - 1894 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 37:331-332.
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  27. Ein Beitrag zur differentiellen Psychologie des Urtheilens.L. W. Stern - 1900 - Philosophical Review 9:215.
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    In defence of non-metaphysical ethics.Axel L. Stern - 1949 - Synthese 8 (1):235 - 237.
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    Joseph Neyer 1913-1989.Laurent Stern & Robert L. Zimmerman - 1990 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 63 (5):57 - 58.
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  30. Monistische ethik.M. L. Stern - 1911 - Leipzig,: J. A. Barth. Edited by Stern, Viktor & [From Old Catalog].
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    On the Foundations of Ethics.Axel L. Stern - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 10:130-136.
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    On the Foundation of Value.Axel L. Stern - 1949 - Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Philosophy 1:448-450.
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  33. Philip Beitchman, Alchemy of the World: Cabala of the Renaissance.M. L. Stern - 2000 - Thesis Eleven 61:121-123.
  34.  46
    Person und Sache: System der Philosophischen Weltanschauung.L. William Stern - 1907 - Philosophical Review 16 (3):322-328.
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  35. Person und Sache ; Erster Band : Ableitung und Grundlehre.L. William Stern - 1908 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 66:187-191.
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    Remarks on two chapters of laotse's Tao teh Ching.Axel L. Stern - 1949 - Synthese 8 (1):65 - 69.
  37.  24
    Spacing and the retention of synonyms.Leonard D. Stern & Douglas L. Hintzman - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (6):363-366.
  38. (2 other versions)Wahrnehmung von Bewegungen vermittelst des Auges.L. W. Stern - 1895 - Philosophical Review 4:96.
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  39. Zur Psychologie der Aussage.L. Stern - 1902 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 54:299-300.
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  40. Political diversity will improve social psychological science.José L. Duarte, Jarret T. Crawford, Charlotta Stern, Jonathan Haidt, Lee Jussim & Philip E. Tetlock - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38:1-54.
    Psychologists have demonstrated the value of diversity – particularly diversity of viewpoints – for enhancing creativity, discovery, and problem solving. But one key type of viewpoint diversity is lacking in academic psychology in general and social psychology in particular: political diversity. This article reviews the available evidence and finds support for four claims: (1) Academic psychology once had considerable political diversity, but has lost nearly all of it in the last 50 years. (2) This lack of political diversity can undermine (...)
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  41.  42
    Kantian Ethics: Value, Agency, and Obligation.Robert Stern - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    This volume presents a selection of Robert Stern's work on the theme of Kantian ethics. It begins by focusing on the relation between Kant's account of obligation and his view of autonomy, arguing that this leaves room for Kant to be a realist about value. Stern then considers where this places Kant in relation to the question of moral scepticism, and in relation to the principle of 'ought implies can', and examines this principle in its own right. The (...)
  42. L'IA Generativa nelle aule universitarie: note per un'evoluzione felice.Fabio Fossa - 2023 - Paradoxa (4):125-138.
    L’Intelligenza Artificiale Generativa (IAG) pone sfide inedite all’educazione universitaria. Dalla definizione dei contenuti alla valutazione delle prove e alla determinazione delle modalità di esame, questo nuovo e potente strumento inaugura una stagione di cambiamenti su cui è urgente riflettere. La tecnologia contribuisce da sempre a dare forma al lavoro didattico, il quale evolve anche alla luce delle opportunità e dei rischi che essa introduce. Come far sì che l’evoluzione stimolata dall’IAG sia felice, ovvero serva i valori e gli obiettivi della (...)
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  43.  10
    What Is Ethically Demanded? K. E. Løgstrup’s Philosophy of Moral Life.R. Stern & Hans Fink (eds.) - 2017 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    This collection of essays by leading international philosophers considers central themes in the ethics of Danish philosopher Knud Ejler Løgstrup (1905–1981). Løgstrup was a Lutheran theologian much influenced by phenomenology and by strong currents in Danish culture, to which he himself made important contributions. The essays in What Is Ethically Demanded? K. E. Løgstrup’s Philosophy of Moral Life are divided into four sections. The first section deals predominantly with Løgstrup’s relation to Kant and, through Kant, the system of morality in (...)
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  44.  14
    Adaptations and innovations: studies on the interaction between Jewish and Islamic thought and literature from the early Middle Ages to the late twentieth century, dedicated to Professor Joel L. Kraemer.Joel L. Kraemer, Y. Tzvi Langermann & Jossi Stern (eds.) - 2007 - Dudley, MA: Peeters.
    The interconnections, common interests, and other linkages between the Jewish and Islamic traditions have long been a matter of interest to academics. Today the need to understand these relationships, and to emphasize commonalities rather than conflicts, is of the greatest public interest. The present volume of studies, likely the first such collection in the scholarly literature, explores the full range of interconnections between Jews and Muslims in all fields (intellectual history, religion, philosophy, social history, etc.) and in all periods, from (...)
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  45. Interactive Effects of Racial Identity and Repetitive Head Impacts on Cognitive Function, Structural MRI-Derived Volumetric Measures, and Cerebrospinal Fluid Tau and Aβ.Michael L. Alosco, Yorghos Tripodis, Inga K. Koerte, Jonathan D. Jackson, Alicia S. Chua, Megan Mariani, Olivia Haller, Éimear M. Foley, Brett M. Martin, Joseph Palmisano, Bhupinder Singh, Katie Green, Christian Lepage, Marc Muehlmann, Nikos Makris, Robert C. Cantu, Alexander P. Lin, Michael Coleman, Ofer Pasternak, Jesse Mez, Sylvain Bouix, Martha E. Shenton & Robert A. Stern - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Kierkegaard, Løgstrup and the Conditions of Love: From God's Grace to Life as a Gift.Robert Stern - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (4):804-820.
    In this article, I consider how pride and anxiety can prevent us from loving the neighbour, and how Søren Kierkegaard and K.E. Løgstrup offer two different ways in which these obstacles might be overcome. For Kierkegaard, this is made possible if we stand in the right relation to God, while for Løgstrup it is made possible if we understand life as a gift. The differences and respective merits of both approaches are explored, and in particular whether Løgstrup's approach can claim (...)
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  47. Tra eternità e storia: L'immagine dell'essere umano nell'etica di Hans Jonas.Fabio Fossa - 2022 - Syzetesis 9:147-167.
    Between Timelessness and History: The Image of the Human Being in Hans Jonas’ Ethics. This essay offers a contribution to the inquiry into the notion of image of the human being in Hans Jonas’ ethics. More specifically, passages from Das Prinzip Verantwortung and Technik, Medezin und Ethik are discussed to shed light on the complex temporal character that the image exhibits, stretched between the atemporality of what is equal to itself and the vulnerability that is distinctive of historical time. Particular (...)
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  48.  12
    L’espace (post-)ottoman au prisme du genre.Fabio Giomi & Ece Zerman - 2018 - Clio 48:8-16.
    Ce numéro de Clio. FGH se propose de revisiter l’histoire de la transition entre Empire et État-nation en interrogeant la relation multiforme et complexe qui lie changements de régime politique et changements de régime de genre. L’espace analysé est celui qui recouvre une partie de l’Empire ottoman et des États qui lui ont succédé, plus précisément les Balkans et l’Asie Mineure. Cet espace, partagé à l’heure actuelle en une dizaine d’États, constitue un véritable laboratoire pour les sciences...
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  49. Albert H. Friedlander, "Leo Baeck: Teacher of Teresienstadt". [REVIEW]L. W. Stern - 1970 - The Thomist 34 (1):171.
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  50. A. Marmorstein, "The Doctrine of Merits in Old Rabbinical Literature" and "The Old Rabbinic Doctrine of God". [REVIEW]L. W. Stern - 1969 - The Thomist 33 (2):357.
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